The objective of this project is to convey a policy dialogue – where decision-makers can learn about current research and community practices to inform future decision-making related to creating inclusive communities for children with disabilities across Canada.
Science Says… About Leisure Participation for Children with Disabilities
This newsletter provides a summary of the research that has been done on leisure participation for children and youth with disabilities.
Participation in leisure activities by children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
In this cross-sectional study, adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) were recruited to identify patterns of participation in leisure activities compared to a sibling without JIA. Those with JIA may experience restrictions in participation due to their illness which, in turn may have detrimental consequences on the child’s social integration and development.
Determinants of leisure participation in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
Although participation in leisure is influenced by multiple factors related to the child, family and environment that are not all necessarily amenable to change, this information can help professionals predict which children and adolescents are at higher risk for low involvement in leisure activities. With this information, professionals can provide support according to each individuals unique situation to promote greater participation in leisure activities and therefore lead healthier lifestyles.
What influences participation in leisure activities of children and youth with physical disabilities? A systemic review.
A search was conducted in the scientific literature to identify the different variables that influence children and youth with disabilities to participate in leisure activities. Children that continuously receive rehabilitation are more likely to participate in activities. Authors reported that age, gender, gross motor function, manual ability, cognitive ability, and communicative skills, are the most important variables effecting youths’ participation in leisure activities.
Promoting Leisure Participation as Part of Health and Well-Being in Children and Youth With Cerebral Palsy
Children with CP often do not have the opportunity to participate in leisure. The authors of this article reported that while there are many factors influencing level of participation in leisure activities, there is a lack of evidence on how to target these factors effectively. Since leisure activity is related to the quality of life of children and youth, it should be put forth as a healthy habit.
Strategies for Inclusion in Play among Children with Physical Disabilities in Childcare Centers: An Integrative Review
In this integrative review, a search was conducted to identify strategies to promote inclusion of children with physical disabilities during play at childcare centers. Two main strategies were concluded from the studies to promote children inclusion: the role of the adult facilitator and environmental factors.
Participation of Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review
There is much evidence that participation of children and youth with disabilities in leisure activities is limited and restricted compared to their developing peers. If schools and communities provided more information, support and accessible activities, children and youth with disabilities would participate in more activities and therefore have a better quality of life.